Tuesday morning
12th Feb - 25th March
9.30am - 11.30am
Upper Beacy Boomerang Bags
Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre - Community Room
Volunteers Welcome!
"Upper Beacy Bags" is a community-driven group using the Boomerang Bag model to create reuseable, environmentally sustainable bags for our community. They create a range of different bags including shopping bags, library bags and cutlery pouches using donated materials.
The team meets on a Tuesday during the school term and everyone is most welcome to come along and lend a hand with cutting, ironing on patches & sewing. Or simply pop in to say hello & have a cuppa.
If you have any materials to donate, please drop them in at the office or at one of the workshops. Donations of working sewing machines & overlockers are also very welcome.
Bags are available for sale in Upper Beaconsfield from the Community Centre, Foodworks & Up the Hill Bakery.