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Welcome to UBC ELC

We're delighted to welcome your family to our community. Our service caters for up to 27 children, aged 6 weeks to 5 years of age. We are a committee operated, and community run, not-for-profit centre.

We are dedicated in promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

Our Philosophy

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We live our work, and believe in going above and beyond, for our children and families. Taking pride in meaningful connections, and ensuring our children and families feel valued. Our children are provided equal opportunities in an inclusive environment, allowing individuality to shine.  We value and embed acceptance of diversity, encouraging children to celebrate themselves and others. We appreciate our place within each of our families’ village.

“I like taking care of the babies, and learning how to take care of people”
Hudson,  5 Y.O,  2022
Showcasing inclusion and differences


Our sense of community underpins everything that we do. Our families belong to the small town of Upper Beaconsfield, which embodies a strong sense of community. Our aim is to ensure our children feel a sense of belonging and connection to their wider community, through exploring local opportunities and relationships. We were established as a response to the need of the local community during the Ash Wednesday Fires and believe in continuing to provide a safe space for our local children.

“We go to the general store every day and get a coffee and a milkshake”

Hudson,  5 Y.O,  2022
The General Store




 As children are the future, it is important to us that we teach them how to take care of their planet. We utilise and appreciate our natural surroundings as part of our play-based program, and promote sustainable practices. We are passionate about holding children to a high expectation, believing in their capabilities and the role they play in leading their own learning. We believe in the benefits of children making calculated decisions, and promote risky play as part of our program.

“I wanted to learn how to balance, and now I can climb trees”

Grace and Hudson,  5 Y.O, 2022
Our Nature Based Program

We acknowledge the powerful part we play in children’s lifelong learning and want to make a positive impact on our children. We aspire to support our children to become kind and respectful, showing inclusivity to all.  We want them to feel confident, trusting and resilient, believing they can be whomever they want to be. Most importantly, we want our children to whole-heartedly know the power they hold to make change, and the influence they have on this world.

“We always laugh when our teachers have dance parties with us”
Grace, 5 Y.O, 2022
Our Educators and Children

Our Commitment to Child Safety

Our Service is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We understand our responsibilities and statutory duty of care to comply with both the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme to build our capacity as an organisation to prevent and respond to allegations of child abuse.


Our Service is committed to implementing and abiding by our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy based on Child Safe Standards in Victoria (2022), which accentuates our zero tolerance for child abuse and raising awareness about the importance of child safety in our Service and the community.


We are dedicated to protecting children from abuse and neglect and promote a child safe environment, maintaining children’s wellbeing. We adhere to our comprehensive Child Protection Policy, standing by our mandatory reporting responsibilities to protect children from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect.


We work to ensure there is clear awareness between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour

concerning adults and children. We require clear precincts between children and employees, volunteers

and the community to maintain children’s safety.


We are dedicated to promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.


We value diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices.


We are committed to ongoing professional development for educators and staff to maintain their ability to distinguish and respond to situations of abuse and neglect, ensuring educators and staff are responsive to their responsibilities in keeping children safe.


We work in collaboration with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and have confidence in educating children about their right to be safe. We believe in teaching children what to do if they feel unsafe and encouraging them to express their view and thoughts on matters that directly affect them.


As educators we listen to and empower children to act on any concerns, they or others may raise which is reflective in our policies and procedures in keeping children safe.

Our Centre

10-12 Salisbury Road

(PO Box 2)

Upper Beaconsfield VIC 3808

Upper Beaconsfield
Community Centre
  • Facebook Link to UBCC
  • Instagram Link to UBCC

© 2021 Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre Inc.   ABN 86 016 259 616    Reg. A0005447N


All rights reserved. The Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct at the time of advertising.  We reserve the right to cancel or change course days, time, fees and trainers when necessary without notification.

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