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Everyone Welcome



President :

   Eric Bumpstead

   Phone : 5944 3298

Secretary :

   Noel Ling              

   Mobile : 0414 443 735



4 Halford Street, Upper Beaconsfield VIC 3808


The modern Men’s Shed is an updated version of the shed in the backyard that has long been a part of Australian culture. Men’s Sheds are springing up all around Australia and internationally.

Not all Men’s Sheds are the same - if you looked inside you might see a number of men making furniture, perhaps restoring bicycles for a local school, making Mynah bird traps, fixing lawn mowers or making a cubby house for Camp Quality to raffle. You might also see a few young men working with the older men obtaining new skills and learning something about life from the men with whom they work. You might see local elders making traditional weapons or designing arts and crafts. You will see tea-bags, coffee cups and a comfortable area where men can sit and talk. You will probably also see an area where men can learn to cook for themselves or how to contact their families by computer.

A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities.


Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of age, background or ability. It is a place where you can share your skills and knowledge with others, learn new skills and develop your old skills.


New members are always welcome and can be assured that there is something of interest for everyone as the men have ownership of their Shed and projects and decide their own program of events.

what do we do?

Basically, anything that the members feel is beneficial to themselves, and/or the Community

These activities range from the regular Wednesday morning chat and coffee, whilst solving all known problems in the universe,  to skill training, wood and metal projects,  Community activities, external visits,  and in-house talks by experts in various fields.

Some of our recent  projects include construction of insect boxes, construction of serving platters for a local winery, building seats and benches for local reserves, residents requests, maintenance for community groups, a large steel  construction for a resident.

We also assist with the Carols by Candlelight, Village Festival, and print the Village Bell in the Shed.

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Member # 100731

The Upper Beaconsfield Men's Shed are members of the Australian Men's Shed Association

OUR vision

  • To engage men of all ages in the Upper Beaconsfield and surrounding Community

  • To provide an inclusive setting for men to enjoy each other’s company

  • To recognize and  share the skills of the men in the community

  • To address issues of the health and wellbeing of the men of the community

  • To be a valuable community facility


To provide a venue for men to meet on a regular basis in a welcoming and friendly environment

  • to provide a venue and facilities for members to share and develop their skills

  • to draw on the expertise of members to support community projects

  • to respond to the needs of men in the community in developing programs for health and well-being

  • to explore ways of generating sufficient income to be self-reliant

  • to foster links with other groups in the community

  • to provide facilities for men to pursue their interests and projects

shed hours









9:00am - 4:00pm

Members Meeting

9:00am - 1:00pm

9:00am - 4:00pm




Gourmet Food served on the last Wednesday of every month

10-12 Salisbury Road

(PO Box 2)

Upper Beaconsfield VIC 3808

Upper Beaconsfield
Community Centre
  • Facebook Link to UBCC
  • Instagram Link to UBCC

© 2021 Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre Inc.   ABN 86 016 259 616    Reg. A0005447N


All rights reserved. The Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct at the time of advertising.  We reserve the right to cancel or change course days, time, fees and trainers when necessary without notification.

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